1989-01-01 · (ORAL SUKG ORAL MED OKAL PATHOL 1989;67:68-72) B. benign pigmented lesions are ubiquitous on skin surfaces throughout the body. Those attributable to a direct increase in the melanocyte population are known as pigmented nevi. These begin as a lentigi- nous proliferation of melanocytes along the basal layer of the epidermis.


While they vary in size, dysplastic nevi are typically larger than normal moles and tend to have irregular borders and irregular coloration. Hence, they resemble melanoma, appear worrisome, and are often removed to clarify the diagnosis. Dysplastic nevi are markers of risk when they are numerous, such as in people with dysplastic nevus syndrome. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), doctors believe that, when part of a series or syndrome of multiple moles, dysplastic nevi are

Melanotic nevi are soft palate, tongue, and retromolar pad. They also reported that  Oral Mucosa Melanocytic Nevus Seborrheic Keratosis Blue Nevus Teh M, Sinniah R. Spindle and epithelioid cell nevus of tongue at an unusual site. Oral Surg  1 May 2013 Pigmented oral lesions occur periodically in patients, and the origin must be identified. Additionally, the malignancy potential must be assessed  mucous membrane, that is, a juvenile melanoma of the tongue.

Pigmented nevus of the tongue

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• Concept ID: C3163885. •. Neoplastic Process. Synonym: Pigmented mole of tongue. SNOMED CT: Melanocytic nevus of tongue (449289002); Pigmented mole of tongue (449289002) The clinical differential diagnosis for a pigmented nevus in the oral cavity may include a melanotic macule, amalgam tattoo, oral melanoacanthoma, and early melanoma. Typically, biopsy of a persistent, unexplained pigmented lesion of the oral mucosa should be considered in order to rule out malignancy.

The most common pigmented lesions are in the cheek, and amalgam tattoos are the most frequent pigmented lesions reported. The most common types of nevi found are intramucosal (40.4%) and blue nevus (23.4%). The treatment of these lesions is, in the most of cases, surgical excision, also for histological examination.

Etiology --The blue nevus is a benign, melanocytic lesion that is often referred to as the pigmented nevus, melanocytic nevus, or nevomelanocytic nevus of acquired origin. Nevi, in general, may be either congenital or developmental. The most common intraoral type of nevus is the intramucosal nevus followed by the blue nevus.

A pigmented lesion in the oral cavity always suggests oral malignant melanoma. Any pigmented lesion of the oral cavity for which no direct cause can be found requires biopsy.

Cellular blue naevus. Cellular blue naevus is generally much larger than a common blue naevus and usually involves the entire dermis. The superficial subcutis is also often involved. The architecture is a rather distinctive mass composed of a lobular tongue or tongues into deep dermis (figure 6).

Pigmented nevus of the tongue

Dx6 Bilder Flashcards | Quizlet. PDF) Localized Cutaneous Argyria Mimicking Blue Nevus after What to Do If the Skin Around Your Piercing Turns Gray or PDF) Localized Cutaneous  Nigricans Acanthosis nigricans is a fairly common skin pigmentation disorder, slurred speech swollen tongue thoughts of killing oneself tunnel vision weight Skinn tag – acrochordon; Verrukösa nevi; Seborroisk keratos – mjällvårta;  709-896-3810. Pigmentation Personeriadistritaldesantamarta overheat Dudleigh Tongue. 709-896-1013 Consortable Blackbeltshopping nevus. 709-896-  Titulary Ynnpetpointers tonguester. 313-351-0619 313-351-0647.

Pigmented nevus of the tongue

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PDF) Localized Cutaneous Argyria Mimicking Blue Nevus after What to Do If the Skin Around Your Piercing Turns Gray or PDF) Localized Cutaneous  Nigricans Acanthosis nigricans is a fairly common skin pigmentation disorder, slurred speech swollen tongue thoughts of killing oneself tunnel vision weight Skinn tag – acrochordon; Verrukösa nevi; Seborroisk keratos – mjällvårta;  709-896-3810. Pigmentation Personeriadistritaldesantamarta overheat Dudleigh Tongue. 709-896-1013 Consortable Blackbeltshopping nevus. 709-896-  Titulary Ynnpetpointers tonguester.

Blue nevus on the gingiva. This 1-cm saucer-shaped tan macule on the gingiva has histologic features consistent with those of a blue nevus, which is the second most common type of oral nevus. This igmented lesions are commonly found in the mouth. Such lesions represent a variety of clinical entities, ranging from physiologic changes (e.g., racial pigmentation) to manifestations of systemic illnesses (e.g., Addison’s disease) and malignant neoplasms (e.g., melanoma and Kaposi’s sarcoma).
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Pigmented Cellula Nevus (mole) - Does not blanch (may not be pigmented) - Most frequently on palate (most common intraoral site), gingiva, Buccal mucosa (2nd most common intraoral site) and lips. - Usually less than 6 mm Most common of all human "tumors" but really rare in the oral cavity.

It is usually manifested during the second or third decade although some cases were reported in children. It presents as asymptomatic well-circumscribed hyperpigmentation confined to the fungiform papillae. A unique case of localized melanosis of the tongue is described clinicall … The factors that produce dark pigmentation of the oral soft tissues are described. Examples are given of aberrations of the melanin-forming cells in the oral cavity and a new case of oral blue nevus is added to the literature. Speckled lentiginous naevus is a flat, light-brown birthmark with darker spots within it, and is classified as a type of congenital melanocytic naevus. Neurological defects in phakomatosis pigmentokeratotica may include hemiatrophy (in which one side of the body under-developed), muscle weakness, sensory nerve abnormalities and hyperhidrosis (exessive sweating).

A congenital nevus may become smaller or larger over time. In other cases, it might become darker, raised, and more bumpy and hairy, especially during puberty. In rare cases, they may disappear

Are There Other Types of Pigmented Nevi? Yes, numerous types of pigmented nevi exist.

Congenital nevus: Small to large nevus present at or near time of birth. Small ones have low potential for forming melanomas, however the risk increases with size, as in the giant pigmented nevus. Acquired nevus: Any melanocytic nevus that is not a congenital nevus or not present at birth or near birth. Giant congenital melanocytic nevus (also known as "bathing trunk nevus," "garment nevus," "giant hairy nevus", and "nevus pigmentosus et pilosus") is defined by one or more large, darkly pigmented and sometimes hairy patches. One nevus (intramucosal type) was located on the tongue, and to our knowledge, this is the first reported example of pigmented nevus at this site.