Conway, Gerard; Ne Bis in Idem in International Criminal Law; International Criminal Law Review 3/2003; s. 217-244. Helenius, Dan; Ne bis in idem -kiellon rakenne ja ongelmakohdat viimeaikaisen oikeuskäytännön valossa; Defensor Legis 6/2010; s. 764-778. Hellsten, Kenneth; Ne bis in idem -hallinnollisen veronkorotuksen ja


Res judicata (latin) avser förhållandet att en rättssak är avdömd, dvs. att ett visst materiellt rättsförhållande Rättskraft · Ne bis in idem · Processförutsättningar.

It may operate both externally (i.e., in an international context, when a person has been finally convicted or acquitted by a court in another State), and internally (i.e., in a domestic context). Another way to say Ne Bis In Idem? Synonyms for Ne Bis In Idem (other words and phrases for Ne Bis In Idem). "Res judicata" тісно пов'язана із принципом, що ніхто не має бути вдруге засуджений чи покараний за той самий злочин, виражений у формулі non bis in idem (із лат. «одна дія двічі не карається») . Synonyme (Andere Wörter) für Res judicata & Antonyme (Entgegengesetzte Bedeutung) für Res judicata.

Res judicata ne bis in idem

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eller först då att ett avgörande om skatteförhöjning blir slutligt (res judicata). The principle of ne bis in idem is the main object of the three judgments and has been applied to recognise to what extent two proceedings on the same fact (idem) cannot lead to two penalties of a criminal nature (bis) on the same person, when one decision on the matter is definitive. On 20 March 2018, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), Grand Chamber, issued three judgments concerning the principle of ne bis in idem in criminal matters and, in particular the relation between administrative sanctions and criminal sanctions. The CJEU was requested to interpret (requests for preliminary ruling) the principle Giving the rule of ne bis in idem a transnational dimension therefore requires either transnationalising the principle of res judicata, or giving the rule of ne bis in idem a new foundation. The principle of res judicata principally serves the credibility of the justice system in a given jurisdiction by prohibiting several tribunals, all acting within the parameters of their jurisdiction, from contradicting each other’s interpretation of the same facts.

It then considers the supporting and conflicting rationales for the Ne bis in idem - Legal Basis •ECHR –Art. 4 of Protocol No. 7 •EU law: general principle / Art. 50 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights(“No one shall be liable to be tried or punished again in criminal proceedings for an offence for which ‘Transnationalising’ Ne Bis In Idem: How the Rule of Ne Bis In Idem Reveals the Principle of Personal Legal Certainty Lelieur, Juliette (2013) Utrecht Law Review, volume 9, issue 4, pp. 198 - 210 A. Introduction.

27 Nov 2009 Res Judicata & Lis Pendens Negative/preclusive effect (ne bis in idem) Res judicata effect of court decisions in national jurisdictions –.

Abstract [sv] Syftet med min uppsats är, dels att utreda vilka huvudsakliga konsekvenser som 2013 års praxis angående ”Ne bis in idem” föranlett för den svenska skatteprocessen, dels att analysera vilka resningsmöjligheter som föreligger för enskilda som drabbats av Sveriges konventions­överträdelser. At the same time res judicata is a principle of judicial economy aimed at preventing (costly) re- litigation of already decided cases.

30 hp Juristprogrammet höstterminen 2013 Ne bis in idem - en undersökning om 1 RB framgår att saken är rättskraftigt avgjord, res judicata, i och med en 

Res judicata ne bis in idem

Wortarten. Adjektive. Substantive.

Res judicata ne bis in idem

"Res judicata" тісно пов'язана із принципом, що ніхто не має бути вдруге засуджений чи покараний за той самий злочин, виражений у формулі non bis in idem (із лат. «одна дія двічі не карається») .
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rei iudicatae, lat. "věc rozhodnutá") je jednou ze zákonných překážek řízení o žalobě u soudu. Zakazuje projednávat podruhé věc, o níž bylo jednou pravomocně rozhodnuto.
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brott (”ne bis in idem”). Rätten att inte bli lagförd resulterar i ett avgörande som medför res judicata för en viss talan, innebär förfarandet att lis 

This chapter explores the main issues as well as the principal commonalities and differences found in the civil law and common law traditions with regard to the legal doctrine of double jeopardy (ne bis in idem). It begins with an overview of double jeopardy, along with the related concepts of res judicata and lis pendens. It then considers the supporting and conflicting rationales for the Ne bis in idem - Legal Basis •ECHR –Art.

The principle of ne bis in idem is the main object of the three judgments and has been applied to recognise to what extent two proceedings on the same fact (idem) cannot lead to two penalties of a criminal nature (bis) on the same person, when one decision on the matter is definitive.

ELEMENTS OF THE NE BIS IN IDEM PRINCIPLE. 16. 2.1. Res judicata. 16 . 2.2.

Synonyms for Res Judicata (other words and phrases for Res Judicata). Selite. Tuomioistuimen lopullinen, lainvoimainen tuomio tai muu tuomioon rinnastettava ratkaisu saa oikeusvoiman (res judicata), toisin sanoen sitovan vaikutuksen, joka ilmenee toisessa oikeudenkäynnissä.Oikeusvoima turvaa oikeusvarmuutta ja oikeusrauhaa yhteiskunnassa. Rikosasioissa puhutaan myös vastaajaa turvaavasta ne bis in idem-periaatteesta, jonka mukaan ketään ei saa … hr Drugi žalbeni razlog, koji se temelji na navodu da je Opći sud pogrešno utvrdio da mjerama iz listopada 2013. nisu povrijeđena načela res judicata, pravne sigurnosti, legitimnih očektivanja i ne bis in idem ili pravo na djelotvoran pravni lijek.